Practical Climate Actions in ISO 27001: Small Steps, Big Impact

ISO 27001 requires organisations to consider the impact of climate change as part of their certification. Although the sentence in the standard states “The organization shall determine whether climate change is a relevant issue”, we all know that deciding climate change is not an issue for your organisation may not work in accordance with the standard.

It can therefore be a challenge to identify practical, implementable steps to consider as part of the Climate Change requirements. While large-scale initiatives are important, there are numerous smaller, day-to-day actions that can make a significant difference. This blog post explores tangible ways to address climate change as part of your ISO 27001 compliance efforts.

1. Digital Storage Optimisation

Climate Change words on a chalk baord with yellow backgrou

Reducing your digital footprint can have a surprising impact on energy consumption:

  • Regular Data Cleanup: Implement policies for regular review and deletion of unnecessary data. This might include:
    • Automatically archiving emails older than a certain date
    • Removing duplicate files
    • Deleting outdated drafts and versions of documents
  • Smart Storage Policies:
    • Set default storage quotas for users
    • Implement tiered storage solutions, moving less-accessed data to more energy-efficient storage options
    • Use compression for rarely accessed files
  • Email Management:
    • Encourage the use of links instead of attachments
    • Implement size limits on email attachments
    • Regularly clean email trash and spam folders

2. Paper Reduction Strategies

Despite many records being retained online, many organisations still use significant amounts of paper. Reducing paper use aligns with both environmental goals and information security:

  • Digital Documentation:
    • Implement electronic signature solutions for documents
    • Use digital forms instead of paper forms
    • Create a digital document management system compliant with ISO 27001
  • Printing Policies:
    • Set double-sided printing as default
    • Implement pull printing (where users must be physically present to release their print jobs)
    • Track printing by department to identify areas for reduction
  • Training and Awareness:
    • Educate staff on the environmental impact of paper use
    • Provide guidelines for when printing is necessary vs. when digital alternatives suffice

3. Energy-Efficient IT Practices

Optimise your IT infrastructure for energy efficiency:

  • Hardware Management:
    • Implement automatic shutdown policies for computers after working hours
    • Use energy-efficient equipment with Energy Star ratings
    • Enable power-saving modes on all devices
  • Server Optimization:
    • Virtualise servers to reduce physical hardware
    • Implement server consolidation during off-peak hours
    • Use efficient cooling systems in server rooms
  • Meeting Practices:
    • Encourage virtual meetings to reduce travel
    • Use energy-efficient video conferencing equipment
    • Implement smart scheduling to consolidate in-person meetings

4. Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Consider environmental factors as part of your climate change evaluation in your IT supply chain:

  • Vendor Assessment:
    • Include environmental criteria in vendor selection processes
    • Work with suppliers who have strong environmental policies
    • Consider the carbon footprint of hardware delivery and installation
  • Life Cycle Management:
    • Implement proper e-waste disposal procedures
    • Choose hardware with longer life spans
    • Consider refurbished equipment when appropriate

5. Monitoring and Metrics

Implement systems to track your progress:

  • Energy Usage Monitoring:
    • Install smart meters to track energy consumption
    • Set baseline measurements and improvement targets
    • Regular reporting on energy usage trends
  • Carbon Footprint Calculation:
    • Calculate the carbon footprint of your IT operations
    • Set reduction goals aligned with ISO 27001 objectives
    • Regular audits to ensure progress

6. Green Data Center Practices

If you maintain your own data centers:

  • Cooling Optimisation:
    • Use hot/cold aisle configuration
    • Implement free cooling when possible
    • Regular maintenance of cooling systems
  • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE):
    • Monitor and optimize your data center’s PUE
    • Use energy-efficient UPS systems
    • Implement DC power to reduce conversion losses

Implementation Tips

  1. Start Small: Begin with easy-to-implement changes and gradually move to more complex initiatives
  2. Measure Impact: Keep track of the effects of your changes to demonstrate ROI
  3. Employee Engagement: Get buy-in from staff by explaining the importance of these measures
  4. Regular Review: Continuously assess and adjust your practices for maximum effectiveness


Implementing climate-conscious practices as part of your ISO 27001 compliance doesn’t always require massive infrastructure changes. By starting with these practical, actionable steps, organisations can make meaningful progress toward both their environmental and information security goals. Remember, the key is consistency and commitment – small actions, when implemented systematically, can lead to significant positive impacts over time.

Have a look at our other blog post on Climate Change Here