
We’ve got ISO27001 Certification, Now what?

By |2024-11-17T18:07:25+00:00November 18th, 2024|BUSINESS, ISO27001 Certification|

We've Got ISO 27001 - Now What? You've done it. The audits are complete, the certificate is on the wall and the website, and everyone's breathing a collective sigh of relief that all the work has finally paid off. But if you think getting ISO 27001 certified was the hard part and it's all downhill from here, think again. ISO 27001 maintenance isn't just about keeping your certificate on the wall. It's about turning those hard-won security practices into business value. While getting certified is a [...]

Information Security Roles and Responsibilities in ISO 27001

By |2024-07-14T12:47:50+01:00July 15th, 2024|BUSINESS, Information Security, ISO27001 Certification|

Information Security Roles and Responsibilities in ISO 27001 ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). A key aspect of implementing ISO 27001 is clearly defining roles and responsibilities related to information security and the management system. This ensures that all aspects of the ISMS are properly managed and that there's accountability throughout the organisation. There are some common roles which should be considered in every organisation considering obtaining ISO27001 Certification and they are: 1. Top Management - This could be Board [...]

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