
Practical Climate Change Considerations for ISO 27001

By |2024-10-11T14:20:05+01:00October 7th, 2024|ISO27001 Certification|

Practical Climate Actions in ISO 27001: Small Steps, Big Impact ISO 27001 requires organisations to consider the impact of climate change as part of their certification. Although the sentence in the standard states "The organization shall determine whether climate change is a relevant issue", we all know that deciding climate change is not an issue for your organisation may not work in accordance with the standard. It can therefore be a challenge to identify practical, implementable steps to consider as part of the Climate Change requirements. [...]

ISO 27001 and Climate Change: Understanding the Connection

By |2024-09-29T17:06:40+01:00September 30th, 2024|ISO27001 Certification|

ISO 27001 and Climate Change: Understanding the Connection As part of the updating that took place to ISO27001, two sentence were added to clause 4. These sentences are "The organization shall determine whether climate change is a relevant issue" and "Relevant interested parties can have requirements related to climate change". Organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of addressing climate change as part of their overall risk management strategy and the inclusion in the standard reflects the growing understanding that environmental factors can have on an organisation's [...]

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